WindowBlinds v5.5 Enhanced Build 94x86

WindowBlinds is a program that enables Windows users to completely change the look and feel of Windows users interface.
Users customize Windows by using visual styles (skins) created for WindowBlinds
. With these skins, WindowsBlinds can change the look of Title bars, borders, Task bars, Start button, Start menu, Progress animations, Toolbar icons, Explorer Views, and virtually every other part of Windows!WindowBlinds is the only program that can customize the GUI of WindowsXP without having to alter system DLLs.
WindowBlinds has been tested to ensure it works with Windows Vista, so you know it is compatible, reliable, and more secure.
Skins virtually every aspect of the Windows GUIClean and easy configuration dialog.Tons of configuration options for usersAnimation supported on titlebars, buttons, and many other elements.Change the color of any visual style on the flyPer-application visual stylesDoesn't alter any system filesSafe, reliable way to change the look and feel of WindowsSystem Requirements:
Windows Vista (32-bit) and Windows XP/2003 (Starting with WindowBlinds 5.5)Windows 2000, ME, 98 users can use WindowBlinds Classic (v4.6).1GHz or faster processor recommended60MB free drive space256MB RAM

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