The Ultimate Guide to Find Bug Host (SNI/HTTP/TCP) for Free Internet in Any Country

 We often face situations where many countries just keep on getting more and more free internet tricks using VPN apps. The you wonder how that is possible. Well the only truth is that they got so many free internet researchers in that area. Don’t you want to become a free internet creator and make yourself and skills known by many? I guess you really want that.

Well there is no secrete behind that. The first ever thing to search when looking to create free internet tricks is to find some loops or bugs hosts on your ISP. Always be alerted on all the different offers and bundles they release because believe it or not, there is always an open port when ever they render a bundle unlimited.

The case here might be different if your ISP doesn’t offer unlimited social bundles and in some countries, they just limit the offer since closing the port for this bundle will also lead to less subscribers to their offer and they will lose possible income. 

Let me tell you, your ISP is as wise as you are. They anticipate almost everything. Yes I just said almost because they cannot block free internet forever. There will always be possible ways to get new tricks since you are not the only free internet researcher in your country.

If you are in a country where most social bundles have been blocked, then you need to try another way. You need to run scans on your ISP main server, different sites hosted under the server for open ports. 

Open ports = bugs = exploitation = free internet.
That’s just the routing.

1. Pc/Android
2.Termux For Android / CMD
3. Nmap Tool
4. Sublist3r Tool

It is obvious that when you get open ports, you can easily get free internet though it is not the case in most situations. I’m probably sure most of you face situations where you get status code 200 Ok but the host that reported that did not actually give you the expected results.

You face this situation when you try to create free internet files using HA Tunnel Plus, HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom and even NapsternetV. If a host can’t be exploited, no matter the trials, no matter the different tunnel methods you use with it, it will not give you any good results. In this case, drop the host and go in for new pentest searches.

At times when you get a host, you try using it with ports that have been filtered by the ISP. This is frequent when you don’t fully analyze the host with all possible ports. When you get the host with status code 200 Ok, you just head on to create the file for free internet and when you get disappointed, you start blaming what’s not supposed to be at fault.

Knowing all of this should just make you understand that though there are simple ways to get free internet, it somehow remains complicated when you are dealing with an ISP that frequently applies updates to its security features which may hinder most people to get what they want from them.

In this ultimate guide, I will walk you through all the possible ways to get bug host for free internet in any country by running scans on your ISP from your Android and PC devices for discovery of open ports, how to exploit them and get free internet access.

What is a Bug Host and How Does it Works?

Before you know what a bug host is, you will need to understand what a bug in computer world is.

A bug also known as a software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Bugs generally produce abnormal results and without serious care taken to fix, it can lead to exploitation and data lose.

This is the case with bug host. When not closed or filtered immediately by the ISP, it will be exploited by malicious persons for their personal interest.

A bug host in free internet is a host which has open gaps or ports usually called loop holes which might lead a straight path to the data stored on the host.

Bug hosts can be created by ISP that just released a new offer or bundle. This leads them to open the ports for the access of everyone who subscribed to the bundle. This is a case with social bundles. When your ISP sets an unlimited access to social bundle maybe WhatsApp or Telegram, they will let everyone that subscribed to the bundle access the social platform unlimitedly. This is due to the ports they opened for you.

So what we do in this case is since we already have the gates open, whey don’t we ride the whole internet? Then comes the intervention of VPN apps that will do their magic in tunneling the connection from this social bundle through its secure servers and powerup your device with the connection for you to access any content on the web, perform unlimited downloads and so on.

AT times, the ISP open ports for free internet access to some online platforms and sites usually called zero-rated websites. The number of these websites increased during the COVID 19 pandemic since the government worked hand in hand with most ISP to allow free internet access to these sites in order for students to get access to their lessons from these platforms. 

Students and local residents usually use it and call it free internet for students during COVID19 pandemic. It wasn’t always the case since we still find zero-rated websites in most countries till date.

That is the case when the ISP opens the port themselves. What is they don’t? This is when we talk of completely free internet access. However, the intervention of VPN apps is highly important since they will tunnel the connection but their intervention comes at the last stage.

The main step in such a situation is running scans for the possible open hosts. However, this is attacking the ISP directly in their nest and can be a quite risky game during the exploitation of the host. So, it is always good to run such exploitation under secure shells and in virtual environments where they can’t easily spot your real identity and location.

It might go to the worst when you attack the ISP for a theft that will benefit only you such as attacking them for mobile money hacking, to steal top secrete information from them. Then this is a risky game and you might be jailed for that. The type of attacks usually used here are Dos and DDos attacks. That’s why it is important to use your ethical hacking skills in the right way. However, an ethical hacker is fully based on network and security.

I guess non of you reading this has the intention of hacking your ISP to steal top secrete information. If so, then we are good to continue.

When you launch scans on an ISP, it will take time to get results. However, you will need tools for this task. The main tools for such are those found in the famous Kali Linux but we still find some working tools for windows. On Android, we will use termux for this task. We are going to hit the main source or any suspected host that we think will give us what we seek for – “free internet access”.

It is important you know the different types of hosts before we head into the different ways to get a bug host.

What are the Different Types of Bug Host for Free Internet?

What is an SNI bug host or hostname and How does it works?

Server Name Identification (SNI) bug host are host which can be tunneled thought the SSH protocol. They fall under the main category of SSH but are more secured in connection.

Most people go in for SNI bug host rather than any other because they know of their top level security and are difficult to decrypt by most ISPs.

SNI bug hostnames often last longer than any other bug host type because its technology isn’t yet understood by some ISP. That’s why this host type goes viral on the web.

How to Find SNI Bug Host or Hostname in any Country for Free Internet

The most common SNI bug hosts are zero-rated websites. Zero rated websites are websites that can be accessed freely by any residents of the concerned countries. The most known countries with bug hosts now are South Africa, Nigeria, United States, France, Germany etc. That’s one of the reasons why they commonly have free internet tricks lately.

To find zero rated websites in your country, you just got to open your web browser, go to google and search for “zero-rated website in my country” replace my country here with your country. Let’s say for example if you are located in Nigeria, search for “zero-rated websites in India“.

You will find sites that can be accessed freely. This can be a hint for something great already. Try injecting the sites with any tunneling VPN using the SNI tunneling mode. I recommend you to use HA Tunnel Plus or HTTP Injector.

If in case it doesn’t work, no worries just keep that and continue reading the guide I will show you how to scan an SNI host for further information and conclude if you should stop work on it or continue.

Another way to get SNI bug host is to check out your ISP if they got some unlimited social bundles. We find ISP offering unlimited social bundles such as WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, Viber, Netflix, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter etc. If your ISP offers such bundles, then it will be even easy for you. 

We have provided already made social bundle free internet files which you can download, import in the app (HTTP Injector) and start using. However, you will need to subscribe to the concerned social bundle before this trick can work.

Another optimal way to find SNI bug hosts is to run scans on any host or server you think might give free internet access. For the benefits of doubts, collect all the possible hosts you got for your ISP, working or not working and continue reading this guide. I will show you how to run scans on each of them for open ports.

How to Find HTTP/TCP Bug Host for Free Internet

As earlier said, HTTP and TCP have many things in common and one host can be used for the other in most cases. Experiments from our test have proven that over 90% of HTTP bug hosts will work as TCP bug hosts for free internet access.

To find HTTP Bug hosts, you need to perform a series of test since it implies generating Payload. Any host you got, you need to generate payload with it using all the possible protocols you got then see the results. 

Reverse IP lookup will be important here but won’t just be enough.

If you are dealing with a website that you access freely with a specific ISP SIM card, then you need to pull the data from its server. Which other protocol do you think can do this job other than the GET protocol? The GET protocols pulls information from a server and uses a back inject method for the injection. 

To know the specific protocol to use for an HTTP bug host you need to run scans on it with the tools you will be given in this guide. These tools will perform a deep scan on the host and return you the open ports, filtered ports and closed ports.

However, you can still get an HTTP bug host with the social bundle trick. Some social bundles offered by some ISP support payload generation and will work just well.

All same, you will however, need to run scans on the bug host to be orientated the best way to deal with the bug host. For that, you will need to checkout the best secretes and ultimate guide on how to find bug host for free internet in any country.

The above SNI and HTTP bug host tricks are a quick reminder to find bug host in the easiest way as possible ways to find bug host for free internet in any country. Though it is little information it can be sufficient at times and there are many things people fail to understand from there.

This tutorial or guide is meant for educational purposes only and we are do this to inform all ISP of their vulnerability. As such we are not to be held responsible for the misuse of any information gotten from this blog and its different articles and pages

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