Hackers Bible

Hacker's Bible refers to a wide range of books on how to learn the working of any particular system. It gives information on how to disassemble the system, tweak the various parts and fine tune the working and reassemble the system back.

Some of the famous hacker's bibles are scanner hacker's bible, cellular hackers Bible, cable hacker's bible, CGI hacking bible, etc�The hackers Bible is essentially a guide getting you through the various processes. Its possible source is the Hacker Quarterly which focuses on different aspects of technology. The bible talks about how to augment the capacities of any electronic apparatus.

Another possible source of the hackers Bible is the Jargon file. The Jargon file is a complete glossary of hacker slang that has been collected from the old days of Arpanet. Thee hacker slang is provided so that those who search for hacking terms can do so discretely with the general public being ignorant of what is actually going on.

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