
Hacking can be used with respect to a computer system as its use without a specific constructive purpose and without proper authorization. Hacking is more mastery over technology.

Hacking would include knowledge over a variety of subjects. In Hacking the telephone it could mastery over the various modes of communication which would relate to the subject of electronics. It would mean mastery over the principle of electricity to be able to tap the telephone and know how electricity can help in its working. It would also means having knowledge of switching systems and Internet Protocol wherein some telephonic communications take place.

For a computer with a variety of software and hardware it essentially would mean getting complete or in-depth knowledge of the any particular aspect that could help you go beyond the capabilities of what the software or hardware was intended. This manipulation of technology to take it beyond its inherent capacity is what hacking is all about. This can happen in a public kiosk where the security restriction of the software is by passed so that a web site or some computer may be accessed. It can also happen from a corporate or home environment. There are some who do it just for the heck of it. There are others who make money out of hacking. Therefore the various distinctions among hacking is white hat hacking, Black hat hacking and grey hat hacking. Blue hat hacking is the recent addition to paid security analysts and consultant finding loop holes in a program.

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