Credit Card Hacking

Credit card hacking is essentially identity theft. It is deliberate use of the identity of someone else so that you could get a great deal of financial gain. Identity theft is a serious breach of privacy. Identity theft can be carried out by a number of methods.

One it can be done online by a spurious website offering you some services and getting your personal details to carry out their modus operandi later on. Sometimes these site follow credit hijacking where they continue to bill you small amount monthly so that you will not recognize the difference.

Two it can be done with special electronic gadgets that are able to read your credit card and reproduce the information on fake cards. They also use a spy Camera to record your PIN numbers or code for authentication. Then they use this information for illegal withdrawals of cash or purchase of merchandise.

Three credit card hacking involves hacking into computers that contain all the data of credit card users and the availing that data for fraudulent means.

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