List of google operators

We use Google in our daily life routine don’t we? But we often do not find the content we require and this is because of our poor searching techniques. At least as far as I am concerned I use Google nearly more than 20 to 30 times daily and without knowing the special search techniques it is almost impossible for me to find the thing that I am searching for.

Here I shall be enlightening my readers with some Google advanced search operators that would help them in using Google search more efficiently and in a fast manner

define : phrase

Shows a list of definition for phrase

cache :

Google’s cache for

link :

List of web pages that link to

related :

List web pages similar to

info :

Show the info that Google has about

site :

List of all web pages hosted at

allintitle : query

Restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title

intitle : query

Restrict the results to the documents containing that word in the title

allinurl : query

Restrict the result to those with all of the query words in the URL

inurl : query

Restrict the results to the documents containing that word in the URL

world * warcraft

The words world and warcraft separated by exactly one word

Nokia Phone $100…300

Search withing a range of numbers for a Nokia Phone between $100…300

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