Apple on Monday unveiled a new version of its popular Apple iPhone, equipped with 3G Internet access and more business-related features.“It’s incredibly zippy,” chief executive Steve Jobs said as he demonstrated the new mobile device at the opening of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.“We’ve taken what we’ve learned with the first iPhone, and created the iPhone 3G; and it’s beautiful,” he said.The crowd cheered when Jobs said the iPhone 3G will cost $199 (Rs 8,500 approx) with 8GB of memory. The 16GB model will sell for $299 (Rs 13,000 approx).The iPhone 3G – said to be two times faster than the firstgen iPhone – is designed for longer talk times, and takes advantage of the high-speed network to provide built-in GPS mapping, Jobs said.It also includes Wi-Fi support, and push email service like the one on Blackberry devices, letting business users send and receive Microsoft Exchange email.Apple announced it will begin rolling out new versions of the sleek smartphone devices on July 11, and make it available in 70 countries.Bharti Airtel and Vodafone, who had both announced tieups with Apple to release the iPhone in India, said they will be offering the Apple iPhones here. Details of pricing and availability will be announced at a later date. AGENCIES