Here are some pics of some simple and basic hacking tools used by some Novice and just starting out "crackers" out there.There is no need for unix,linux stuff & other computing thing to use it.just have the tools & there u goes. These thing should not be out there but "meron kasing makukulit na "want to see other info not their own. These are backdoor program (trojan spy gen) and some hacking stuffs..used for stealing your passwords -"password lang naman id nyo" using the the 3rd of the possible way list below..

there is more out there..laging i improve ur comp security and screen your sources olways specially in ur email..
We must always remember "Hacking is stealing and stealing is a Crime".
- ICMP Ping
- rpc.statd

there is more out there..laging i improve ur comp security and screen your sources olways specially in ur email..
We must always remember "Hacking is stealing and stealing is a Crime".