Google Hacking

Google Hacking is usually referred to as the art of using of Google search to get information from computers that are not secure. This is usually used to detect websites for vulnerabilities and various exploits. These vulnerabilities and exploits are then used to get private sensitive information like credit card numbers, social security numbers and passwords.

Google hacking is usually done using advance search operators provided by Google so that you could get sensitive data. Though the advance search can be carried out on Yahoo and MSN or any other search engine for that matter it has been named Google hacking as it was first shown that it could be done using Google.

The process involves searching for specific strings of text like "passwords" or filenames of the various files where the passwords are stored. The publicity of Google hacking is due to the wide number of presentations and instructional guide provided by Johnny Long and the others that have proved the various methods Google can be used to hack websites and networks. By using the File type advance search operator some hackers have been able to get the document files from the defense and space establishment of the United States.

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