My final Post

 This is going to be my final post on this blog.

I started learning & writing blogs at same time on this blogging site. Its been more than 12 years since I started this. Thanks for all the viewers who were been a part learning with me on this blog. No one is 100% perfect in any perticular domain. Even I am not good at hacking because as you know that everything digital, electrical, electronical, biological can be hacked & its very huge subject to learn everything.

I am good at OSINT, pentesting, vulnerability assesments & its pretty enough for me. I still need to learn about satellites, telecom frequencies, electronics. I started getting interested in BioHack, Transhumanism, Cyborg implants. But I am just blocking my mind from thinking about all these. These are few amazing technologies but we need to realize that these interests cant feed us. Though these can be a real business but our world is not yet ready for bionics or biohacking yet.

I still learn and practice hacking, but for good. I just have one life, and want to utilize every single second. So forming a small business to work on Cyber Security & data security of Individuals & Enterprises

With 💗


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