Hacking → Introduction

What is hacking?

Hacking used to be defined as "One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff." However, this use has been turned around now, to mean that of a cracker - "One who uses programming skills to gain illegal access to a computer network or file." This information is about this second meaning, cracking. Before we begin I would like to point out that hackers HATE crackers, crackers have given them a bad name.

The main differences between the two are that hackers try to make things, crackers try to break things. Hackers made the Internet what it is today. Hackers program websites (among other things) and they do not try and harm the work of others as is thought in todays society. However, as the word hacker is now in such popular use that it is thought it means cracker - I will use the words hacking and cracking for describing these cracking methods.

Hacking is not a simple operation or sequence of commands as many people think. Hacking is a skill. To hack you must change and adapt your approach depending on the obstacles you come across. Hacking is not a specific term, there are many types of hacking. On this site I will discuss and explain the different types of hacking and demonstrate some basic tools.

Why hack?

Some people, known as crackers, get a kick out of harming people, their work, and their websites. But the real hackers get a kick out of programming, improving and helping the web, the difference is enormous. Crackers sometimes hack into websites in order to prove they can - that is sad. Cracking is a term also given to those who try to break software in order to make them free or distribute them, this is the same group of sad people.

What are the different types of hacking?

There are three main types:

  1. Hacking into hidden or password protected pages of a website.
  2. Hacking into other people's computers while they are online.
  3. Hacking into company servers to read important information or distribute viruses.

Which is worse?

Although they are all illegal Number 1 is the least serious and the most commonly practised. This is because it is so easy and some areas are legal. There are also many tools on the internet which encourage these practices. If you are making your own website then the "Protect your website" section will be of particular interest.

Where is hacking illegal?

Hacking is illegal in most countries because of the invasion of privacy which can occur from hacking. The other main issue is damage, either manually or through viruses. Deleting specific files can render a computer useless in a matter of minutes. There are some countries or states which do not press charges for hacking because they consider it just another advance in computer technology. However, even if you live in a state where hacking is legal (which is unlikely), unless the company, website, or indivual is based in that country you must abide by international rules.

Why do people hack?

To most there appears to be no reason why hackers should spread viruses and try and destroy companies' computers merely because they can. However it is clear that hackers enjoy what they do. There are a number of hacking tournaments around the world each year and during these tournaments companies monitor there systems 24 hours a day. Recently there was a Hackers Challenge lasting 6 hours.

Is hacking servers always the same?

It's is easier to hack Windows than Linux and easier to hack with Linux. This is because Linux is designed to allow the user to issue any commands they want to. Most companies install firewalls and virus filters to try and prevent hackers from breaking in.

Hacking → Website Hacking


There are two types of website hacking:

  1. Hacking to break into password protected sections of the website. (Often Illegal)
  2. Hacking so that you can modify or deform a website. NOTE: Criminal Offence

Website Hacking is not uncommon. It is simply trying to break into a site unauthorised. Webmasters can use encryption to prevent this. However, as most website programmers do not use encryption their websites are easy targets. Methods of protection include javascript, asp, php and cgi, but most other server-side languages can also be used. I will show you how to hack websites which use javascript protection.

Javascript protection has never been secure, if you are looking at the source to find the password to client-side protection, you will probably not have any problem finding the password unless it is encrypted. Follow the steps below so that you can understand the basics of hacking websites.

Recently 2 dummy bank sites were launched, the first totally insecure and the second was secured with a firewall. 8 weeks later, both sites were checked. The first without a firewall, averaged a hacking attempt every four minutes, the second, with a firewall, averaged an attack every hour. This just goes to prove how malicious some hackers are.

On this website you will find nothing of such a malicious nature. Building positive white hat hacking skills is a good thing and we encourage it, as do we helping you protect your own site, but bad hat hackers should find a better hobby.

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