ee A2 unlocking client. It supports all the latest Sony Ericsson A2 and A2 v.2 phones !
Phones Supported !
C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G905,You can download it from Rapidshare, their official link or from filebase. You have to register at Aerix website to get access to free unlocking, you will need your username and password to login to the client. Using this tool is pretty easy. You should first Install USB Flash Drivers. Then Start Aerix Client and Click Unlock, Then shutdown phone, connect phone holding 2+5 and wait. It should unlock within 2 minutes !
G705, K630, K660, K850, K858, T700, TM506,
V640, W595, W705, W715, W760, W890, W902,
W908, W910, W980, Z750, Z770, Z780
Here is a screen shot of Aerix tool.
A note though, this is full unlock and not patch unlock, you will lose your phone warranty if you perform a full unlock. Temporary patch unlocking is not yet out for free ! Patch unlocks can be removed by reflashing the main firmware.