Port Scanning is one of the most popular techniques used by hackers to discover services that can be compromised.
- A potential target computer runs many ’services’ that listen at ‘well-known’ ‘ports’.
- By scanning which ports are available on the victim, the hacker finds potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
- Scan techniques can be differentiated broadly into Vanilla, Strobe, Stealth, FTP Bounce, Fragmented Packets, Sweep and UDP Scans.
Port Scanning Techniques
Port Scanning Techniques can be broadly classified into:
- Open scan
- Half- open scan
- Stealth scan
- Sweeps
- Misc
Commonly used tools for port scanning
1.Tool: SuperScan 3.0
2. Tool: NMap (Network Mapper)
3. Tool: NetScan Tools Pro 2003
4. Tool: ipEye, IPSecScan