Mail Tracking

What is MailTracking?

MailTracking is the most powerful and reliable email tracking service that exists today. In short - MailTracking tells you when email you sent gets read / re-opened / forwarded and so much more

email tracking - The Ethical Hacking How do I send a tracked email? There are two ways you can send tracked emails:

  1. Simply add: to the end of your recipients email address (they won’t see this)
  2. Install the ActiveTracker plugin to add the tracking for you.

Testing? If you send tracked emails to yourself, your anti-spam filters may block them (people don’t usually write to themselves) - so we recommend you test by sending to other people.

email tracking - The Ethical Hacking What will you tell me about the tracked emails I send? MailTracking will endeavour to provide the following in your tracking reports:

  • Date and time opened
  • Location of recipient (per their ISP city /town)
  • Map of location (available on paid subscriptions)
  • Recipients IP address
  • Apparent email address of opening (if available)
  • Referrer details (ie; if accessed via web mail etc)
  • URL clicks
  • How long the email was read for
  • How many times your email was opened
  • If your email was forwarded, or opened on a different computer

All messages sent via MailTracking benefit from the SPF compliant and Sender-ID compliant mail servers. This confirms safe transmission of your messages, and also enables us to report delivery status to you (including: bounce-backs, delays and success notifications). Delivery information is listed in your Personal Tracking Page. Note: does not use or contain any spy-ware, mal-ware, nor vi‌rues, it is not illegal to use, and does not breach any privacy regulations in any countries.

What else does MailTracking do?

email tracking - The Ethical HackingThere are lots of great features available to you - these include the following sending options:

  • Certified email
  • Ensured-Receipts and retractable emails
  • Invisible tracking
  • Self-Destructing emails
  • Block printing
  • Block forwarding
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF Document Tracking
  • Secure Encypted emails
  • Track MS Word or Excel documents

email tracking - The Ethical HackingYou can also choose how to receive your receipts:

  • In your Personal Tracking Page (when you log in)
  • Email ReadNotifications
  • Legal Proof-of-Opening receipts
  • Delivery Service Notifications (DSN’s)
  • SMS alert on your cell-phone or pager
  • Instant Messenger

Click Here to Register.

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